Assets, Ethereum

Does tZERO Use Ethereum?

tZERO, the blockchain subsidiary of, is one of the most high-profile projects to use Ethereum.

The company has been working on its own security token platform for over two years and is now live on the Ethereum mainnet.

tZERO’s security token platform is designed to tokenize traditional financial assets and enable their trade on a blockchain. The platform makes use of Ethereum smart contracts to facilitate the issuance, management, and trade of security tokens.

NOTE: WARNING: tZERO does use Ethereum, but it is not the only technology used. tZERO’s platform also utilizes other proprietary technologies. Furthermore, tZERO is a highly regulated security and those investing should familiarize themselves with all applicable laws and regulations before investing. As with any investment, there is always a risk of losing your capital.

So far, tZERO has issued two security tokens on its platform. The first is a tokenized version of Overstock’s common stock, which was offered to accredited investors in a private placement in August 2017.

The second is a tokenized bond issued byBOX Digital Markets, a subsidiary of BOX Group, which began trading on tZERO’s platform in January 2019.

tZERO’s use of Ethereum is significant because it shows that the platform can be used to issue and trade real-world assets. This could open up a whole new world of opportunities for blockchain technology and could potentially lead to the mass adoption of security tokens.

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