Binance, Exchanges

Can You Stake Harmony One on Binance?

Yes, you can stake your Harmony One on Binance and earn rewards for doing so. This guide will show you how to do it.

NOTE: WARNING: Staking Harmony One on Binance is not supported at this time and any attempts to do so may result in the loss of your funds. Binance does not take responsibility for any losses incurred from attempting to stake Harmony One on their platform. We recommend that you only use official staking services or wallets to stake your tokens.

First, open your Binance account and go to the “Staking” section. Then, select the amount of Harmony One you want to stake and click on the “Stake” button.

Once you have done that, you will need to wait for Binance to confirm your transaction. Once it is confirmed, you will start earning rewards for staking your Harmony One on Binance.

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