Binance, Exchanges

What Does 7-Day APY Mean on Binance?

7-day APY is the annual percentage yield earned on a Binance account over a seven-day period. The interest is paid out in the form of Binance Coin (BNB), the native token of the Binance ecosystem.

To earn interest on your Binance account, you must first deposit BNB into your account. You can then earn 7-day APY by holding your BNB in your account and staking it for seven days.

Binance will then credit your account with the interest earned over that period.

NOTE: WARNING: The 7-day APY (Annual Percentage Yield) rate on Binance is an estimate of the potential return on investment in Binance products and services. It is not a guarantee of returns and any actual returns may differ significantly from the 7-day APY rate. Please exercise caution when investing and always read the terms and conditions carefully before investing.

The annual percentage yield earned on a Binance account can vary depending on the amount of BNB you hold in your account and the length of time you stake your BNB. The 7-day APY is subject to change at any time.

The 7-day APY is a great way to earn passive income on your Binance account. By staking your BNB for seven days, you can earn interest without having to do any work.

This is a great way to grow your Binance account balance over time.

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