Binance, Exchanges

What Is RPC URL for Binance Smart Chain?

Binance Smart Chain is a public blockchain that is based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It uses the native Binance token (BNB) and is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts.

The Binance Smart Chain mainnet was launched on September 1, 2020.

NOTE: WARNING: It is important to note that the RPC URL provided by Binance Smart Chain is intended for developers only and should not be used by the general public. Furthermore, the RPC URL should not be used for any purpose that would result in financial loss or security risk. If you are not a developer, it is strongly recommended that you do not use the RPC URL provided by Binance Smart Chain.

The RPC URL for Binance Smart Chain is:

The Binance Smart Chain RPC URL allows you to interact with the blockchain using various tools such as Web3j, Truffle, and MetaMask. It also allows you to view your account balance and transactions.

You can also use the RPC URL to deploy smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain.

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