Coinbase, Exchanges

Why Can’t I Withdraw From Coinbase?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve tried to withdraw from Coinbase and failed. Why can’t you withdraw from Coinbase?

There are a few possible explanations:

1. You’re trying to withdraw more money than you have available in your account.

2. You’re trying to withdraw to an account that doesn’t exist or isn’t registered with Coinbase.

3. You’re trying to withdraw to an account that isn’t verified with Coinbase.

4. You’re trying to withdraw funds from an unverified bank account.

5. There’s a problem with the payment method you’re using (e.g.

, your credit card is expired or doesn’t have enough funds).

NOTE: WARNING: It is important to understand that Coinbase does not allow users to immediately withdraw funds purchased through a bank account. Funds purchased via bank transfer can take up to five days to appear in your Coinbase account. Additionally, Coinbase does not support the immediate withdrawal of funds purchased with a credit or debit card. In order for these funds to be withdrawn, you must first convert the funds from your Coinbase USD wallet into cryptocurrency and then transfer those funds out of your Coinbase account.

6. You’re trying to withdraw funds that are subject to a hold (e.g.

, because you just made a purchase or deposit).

7. There’s a problem with your Coinbase account (e.g.

, it’s been suspended or closed).

8. Coinbase is experiencing technical issues.

If you’re sure that none of the above explanations apply to you, then the most likely explanation is that Coinbase is experiencing technical issues. Technical issues can happen for a variety of reasons, and they can sometimes take a while to resolve.

If you believe that this is the case, your best bet is to wait a while and try again later.

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