Assets, Ethereum

Who Is the Owner of Ethereum Classic?

Ethereum Classic is a decentralized network that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

Ethereum Classic is a continuation of the original Ethereum blockchain – the classic version preserving untampered history; free from external interference and subjective tampering of transactions.

Ethereum Classic is a public, open-source, decentralized platform that runs smart contracts and allows anyone to build and run decentralized applications that run on blockchain technology.

NOTE: WARNING: It is not possible to definitively answer the question ‘Who is the owner of Ethereum Classic?’ as there is no single owner of Ethereum Classic. Ethereum Classic is a distributed and open source system, with anyone having the ability to make changes. Therefore, it does not have a single owner.

The Ethereum Classic team believes in immutability and fairness. We believe that all participants in the Ethereum Classic network should have a say in its governance and direction.

We believe in decentralization, freedom, and equality.

The owner of Ethereum Classic is unknown. The development team is anonymous and decentralized.

There is no one person or group in control of the Ethereum Classic network.

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