Assets, Ethereum

When Was Ethereum Worth $1?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

In July 2015, Ethereum distributed the world’s first decentralized smart contract. ETH is the native currency of the Ethereum platform and is used to pay for transaction fees and computational services.

The value of ETH has fluctuated wildly since its launch. From an initial price of $0.

NOTE: WARNING: Investing in cryptocurrencies is a highly speculative activity and comes with a high risk of financial losses. Before investing in Ethereum when it was worth $1, please conduct thorough research and understand the risks involved. Be aware that Ethereum prices can be extremely volatile and can swing wildly over short periods of time. Do not invest more money than you can afford to lose.

30 in October 2015, ETH reached a peak of $14 in June 2016. After a period of relative stability, ETH prices began to rise again in early 2017, reaching an all-time high of $1,419 on January 13, 2018.

Since then, ETH prices have fallen sharply and are currently hovering around $200. So when was Ethereum worth $1

Ethereum was worth $1 briefly on January 13, 2018 before prices fell sharply. ETH prices have been volatile since launch but have generally trended upwards over time.

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