Coinbase, Exchanges

When Did Tellor Get on Coinbase?

This is a question that many people are asking. Coinbase is a popular digital asset exchange, and adding a new asset to its platform can be a big deal. So, when did Coinbase add Tellor to its platform

The answer is that Coinbase added Tellor to its platform on May 14, 2019. This was just a few days after Tellor launched its mainnet.

NOTE: WARNING: Investing in cryptocurrency can be risky and it is important to always do extensive research before investing. When investing in a new cryptocurrency such as Tellor, it is important to pay attention to the news and any official announcements from the exchange or coin. Coinbase is a large and well-respected exchange, but there is always the risk that Tellor will not be listed on Coinbase or may be listed and then delisted at some point. As such, it is important to carefully monitor the situation before investing any money into Tellor.

So, it was a pretty quick turnaround for the team at Tellor.

Now that Tellor is on Coinbase, people can easily buy and sell the token using the popular exchange. This will help to increase the liquidity of the token and make it easier for people to trade it.

In addition, being listed on Coinbase should help to increase the visibility of Tellor and attract more users to the platform.

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