Binance, Exchanges

What Is the Prime Trust Fee on Binance?

The Prime Trust fee on Binance is 0.1% of the transaction value. This fee is applied when you make a trade on Binance using their Prime Trust service. The Prime Trust service is a platform that allows you to trade cryptocurrencies with other users on the Binance exchange.

NOTE: WARNING: Binance’s Prime Trust Fee is a fee charged by the Prime Trust exchange for deposits and withdrawals of cryptocurrencies. This fee is subject to change without prior notice, so always be sure to check the Prime Trust Fee before initiating any transactions with Binance. Additionally, it is important to note that this fee may vary depending on the cryptocurrency being exchanged.

This service provides a secure and convenient way to trade cryptocurrencies. The Prime Trust fee is used to cover the costs of the platform, including the fees charged by the exchanges that are used to match orders.

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