Assets, Bitcoin

What Is the New Bitcoin Fork Called?

In November of 2018, a group of Bitcoin developers announced a new fork of the Bitcoin protocol called Bitcoin SV (BSV). The fork was created in response to the Segwit2x hard fork which was cancelled.

Segwit2x would have increased the block size to 2MB and implemented segwit, but the cancellation of the fork led to a split in the community. BSV is an attempt to restore the original Bitcoin protocol as specified in the Satoshi white paper.

The main difference between BSV and other forks is its larger block size. BSV blocks can be up to 128MB in size, which allows for more transactions to be processed per block.

Segwit2x would have only increased the block size to 2MB, so BSV blocks are 64 times larger. This increase in block size means that BSV can handle more transactions per second than other cryptocurrencies.

BSV also contains several other changes from the original Bitcoin protocol. These changes are meant to improve scalability and make it easier for businesses to use BSV for real-world applications.

One change is that BSV uses a new transaction format called UTXO commitment. This format allows for more data to be stored in each transaction, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be stored on the blockchain.

NOTE: WARNING: Bitcoin forks are a potentially risky form of cryptocurrency trading. It is important to do your research and understand the process before engaging in any type of trading involving Bitcoin forks. Investing in a new Bitcoin fork can be especially risky, as there is no guarantee that the fork will be successful or even exist. Be aware of potential scams and other fraudulent activities related to Bitcoin forks. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and always use caution when engaging in any type of cryptocurrency trading.

This makes it possible for businesses to use BSV for smart contracts and other applications that require large amounts of data.

Another change is that BSV uses a new script called OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY (OP_CSV). This script allows businesses to create digital signatures that can be verified by anyone on the network.

This makes it possible to create tamper-proof documents and contracts on the blockchain.

BSV also includes several changes that make it compatible with existing Bitcoin software and wallets. This means that users will not need to upgrade their software or wallets when they switch to BSV.

The goal of BSV is to provide a scalable and user-friendly blockchain that can be used by businesses for real-world applications. The large block size and new features make it possible for businesses to use BSV in ways that were not possible with other cryptocurrencies.

Only time will tell if BSV will succeed in its goal, but it is an exciting project that has the potential to revolutionize blockchain technology.

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