Assets, Ethereum

What Is the Ethereum Name Service?

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a decentralized Domain Name System (DNS) on the Ethereum blockchain. It resolves domain names such as .

eth and .xyz to human-readable addresses, which can be used to send ETH and other assets on the Ethereum network. .

NOTE: The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a decentralized platform for registering and resolving human-readable domain names (e.g. example.eth). It is important to note that the ENS system is based on the Ethereum blockchain, which means that transactions are subject to the same risks associated with cryptocurrency transactions, including security and scalability issues and the volatility of cryptocurrency prices. Furthermore, users should be aware that registering or resolving an ENS name can result in high gas fees due to the competition among miners to confirm transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, it is recommended that users exercise caution and research all relevant risks before using this service.

ENS was created to address the shortcomings of DNS, which is a centralized system that is susceptible to censorship and attacks. ENS is designed to be censorship-resistant and secure, making it a key part of the Ethereum ecosystem.

The Ethereum Name Service is a critical part of the Ethereum ecosystem, providing a secure and censorship-resistant way to resolve domain names on the Ethereum network.

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