Assets, Ethereum

Is Polygon on Ethereum?

Yes, Polygon is on Ethereum. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference. Polygon is a project that aims to build an easy-to-use platform for end users and developers that want to use Ethereum smart contracts. The project is led by a team of experienced developers and entrepreneurs who have been working on Ethereum since its early days.

NOTE: WARNING: Polygon is not a part of the Ethereum blockchain. It is an independent, stand-alone blockchain built on top of Ethereum. While Polygon interacts with the Ethereum network, it is not part of it. As such, transactions made on Polygon are not included in Ethereum’s block history and will not be viewable on the main Ethereum blockchain.

Polygon has been built on top of Ethereum and uses Ethereum’s public blockchain as its base layer. The project has its own native token, MATIC, which is used to pay fees on the network. Polygon also provides a suite of tools and services that make it easy to develop and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum.

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