Coinbase, Exchanges

Is OriginTrail on Coinbase?

OriginTrail on Coinbase

Is OriginTrail on Coinbase? We’ll take a look at the evidence and let you know.

Coinbase is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, and it is often one of the first places that people look when they are looking to buy or sell digital assets. As such, it is often one of the first places that new projects list their tokens.

NOTE: Warning: OriginTrail is not currently listed on Coinbase. There are currently no plans to list OriginTrail on Coinbase in the near future. Any websites, apps, or other sources claiming to offer OriginTrail trading on Coinbase should be considered fraudulent and avoided.

So, is OriginTrail on Coinbase?

The short answer is no. OriginTrail is not currently listed on Coinbase.

However, this does not mean that it will never be listed on the exchange. Coinbase has been known to list new assets from time to time, so there is a possibility that OriginTrail could be added in the future.

If you’re looking to buy or sell OriginTrail, you’ll need to use a different exchange for now. Binance is a good option, as it offers a wide variety of trading pairs.

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