Assets, Ethereum

Is Etherscan Only for Ethereum?

Etherscan is a popular blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network. It allows users to view and search the blockchain for transactions, addresses, and tokens.

Etherscan also provides an API that developers can use to build applications on top of the platform.

NOTE: This is a warning to all users: Etherscan is not only used for Ethereum. It can be used to track other blockchain networks, including Bitcoin and EOS. It is important to remember that Etherscan should not be used to exclusively monitor Ethereum transactions. If you are using Etherscan to track transactions on any other blockchain network, please make sure that you are aware of the differences between the networks and their respective protocols. Failure to do so could result in unexpected results or financial loss.

However, Etherscan is not limited to Ethereum. The platform also supports other popular blockchains such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Zcash.

In addition, Etherscan has plans to support more blockchains in the future. This makes Etherscan a versatile platform that can be used by developers to build applications for multiple blockchains.

The bottom line is that Etherscan is a powerful platform that can be used for Ethereum and other popular blockchains. The platform provides a valuable service to developers and users alike.

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