Assets, Bitcoin

How to Connect Specter to Bitcoin Core?

Assuming you have Bitcoin Core installed and synced, the first thing you’ll need to do is set up a Specter wallet. You can do this by going to the official website and downloading the desktop application.

Once you have the application installed, open it up and click “Create a new wallet.” You’ll be given a seed phrase which you should write down and store in a safe place.

This is your backup in case you lose access to your computer or the Specter application.

Once you have your wallet set up, you’ll need to generate a receiving address. To do this, click on the “Receive” tab and then click “New Address.

” This will generate a long string of characters which is your public receiving address. You can give this address to anyone who wants to send you Bitcoin.

Now that you have a receiving address, you’ll need to get yourSpecter wallet connected to Bitcoin Core so that you can start sending and receiving Bitcoin. To do this, click on the “Settings” tab and then scroll down to the “Bitcoin Node” section.

Here, you’ll need to enter the IP address of your Bitcoin Core node.

If you don’t know your Bitcoin Core node’s IP address, you can find it by opening up Bitcoin Core and clicking on “Help” > “Debug Window” > “Console.” Here, type in “getnetworkinfo” and hit enter.

This will return a bunch of information about your node, including its IP address. Copy and paste this IP address into the Specter settings field.

Once you’ve entered your node’s IP address, click on the “Connect” button and Specter will start connecting to your node. Once it has finished connecting, you should see your node’s info appear in the field below (e.g.

, “connected to [IP address]:8333”).

You are now connected to Bitcoin Core through your Specter wallet! This means that you can start sending and receiving Bitcoin without having to run a full node yourself.

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