Binance, Exchanges

How Much Is the Trading Fee on Binance?

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2017. The company is based in Malta and has offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world by trading volume.

The trading fee on Binance is 0.1%. This is a very competitive fee, especially when compared to other exchanges. For example, Coinbase charges a 1.

49% fee for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Kraken charges 0.26% for maker trades and 0.16% for taker trades.

The 0.1% fee on Binance is also much lower than the fees charged by traditional stock exchanges. For example, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) charges a fee of 0.005% per trade.

NOTE: WARNING: Trading fees on Binance can vary depending on the type of trading pair, as well as the amount of volume traded. Additionally, there may also be other fees associated with trading, such as withdrawal fees. Make sure to read up on all relevant information before engaging in any type of trade.

The NAsdaq charges a fee of 0.01 per trade.

The low fees charged by Binance are one of the reasons why the exchange has become so popular with traders. Another reason is that Binance offers a wide variety of altcoins that can be traded on the platform.

In conclusion, the trading fee on Binance is very competitive when compared to other exchanges. The low fees are one of the reasons why Binance has become so popular with traders.

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