Binance, Exchanges

How Many Times Can You Call Binance API?

Binance is a world-renowned cryptocurrency exchange that allows its users to trade a variety of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. The platform has an easy-to-use interface and is suitable for both new and experienced traders.

One of the key features that make Binance so popular is its API (Application Programming Interface).

The Binance API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of the exchange with their own applications. It also allows users to manage their accounts and place trades programmatically.

The API is available in both REST (Representational State Transfer) and WebSocket formats.

NOTE: Warning: Binance API calls are limited to a maximum of 1200 calls per minute. Exceeding this limit can lead to account suspension or other forms of account sanctions. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you do not exceed the limit before making any API calls.

So, how many times can you call the Binance API? There is no limit on the number of calls that you can make to the API. However, there are rate limits in place to ensure that the system is not overloaded.

For example, you are limited to 1 request per second for the REST API and 20 requests per second for the WebSocket API.

If you make more than the allowed number of requests in a certain time period, you will receive an error message. Nevertheless, you can always try again later as the rate limits are reset on a regular basis.

In conclusion, there is no limit on the number of times you can call the Binance API.

If you make more than the allowed number of requests in a certain time period, you will receive an error message but you can always try again later as the rate limits are reset on a regular basis.

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