Coinbase, Exchanges

How Do I Know My Limit on Coinbase?

If you’re new to Coinbase, you may be wondering how much you can buy or sell at any given time. There are a few factors that affect your limit, including your account verification level and purchase history.

In this article, we’ll explain how to view your limits on Coinbase and how they work.

When you create a Coinbase account, you’re automatically assigned a default buying limit of $2,000 per week. This limit is called your “weekly buy limit.

” Your weekly buy limit resets every Monday at 12:00 AM Pacific Time.

If you verify your identity with Coinbase, you can increase your weekly buy limit to $25,000. To do this, you’ll need to provide additional information about yourself and upload a photo ID.

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase is a highly regulated platform and users must adhere to local laws, regulations and limits. It is important to understand your local laws and Coinbase’s terms of service before making purchases on the platform. Additionally, it is important to know your personal limit on Coinbase and not purchase more than you can afford. Failure to do so may result in financial loss or legal action.

This process is called “verifying your identity.”.

You can also increase your weekly buy limit by buying and selling digital currency on Coinbase over a period of time. As you build up a history of successful transactions, we’ll gradually increase your limit.

This process is called “increasing your purchase history.

If you try to buy or sell more than your current limit allows, you’ll see an error message telling you that you’ve exceeded your limit. You can still complete the transaction by verifying your identity or increasing your purchase history.

In conclusion, there are a few different factors that affect your Coinbase limit. Your account verification level and purchase history will determine how much you can buy or sell at any given time.

If you’re new to Coinbase, you’ll have a default weekly buy limit of $2,000. You can increase this limit by verifying your identity or increasing your purchase history over time.

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