Coinbase, Exchanges

How Do I Get Coinbase Tax Documents?

If you’re a US-based Coinbase customer, you should have received an IRS Form 1099-K for tax purposes by now. If you didn’t, there are a few possible explanations:

1. You didn’t meet the threshold for receiving a 1099-K.
2. You requested that Coinbase not send you a 1099-K.

3. Coinbase didn’t have your correct mailing address on file.

If you believe you should have received a 1099-K and you didn’t, the first thing you should do is check whether or not you meet the criteria for receiving one. To get a 1099-K from Coinbase, you must have had more than 200 transactions in a single year and your gross volume must have exceeded $20,000 USD during that same year.

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase is not a tax advisor and cannot provide tax advice. You should consult a qualified tax professional to ensure that you understand and comply with applicable tax laws in your jurisdiction. Coinbase does not provide any guarantee or assurance regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in its tax documents. Coinbase bears no responsibility for any errors or omissions made in preparing your Coinbase Tax Documents.

If you did meet the criteria but still didn’t receive a 1099-K, it’s possible that you requested not to receive one when you first signed up for Coinbase or at some point after that. If that’s the case, you can contact Coinbase support to see if they can generate one for you.

Finally, it’s possible that Coinbase simply doesn’t have your correct mailing address on file. In that case, you’ll need to update your address with Coinbase and then request a new 1099-K be sent to you.

If none of these explanations seem to fit your situation, reach out to Coinbase support for help troubleshooting the issue.

In short, if you’re a US-based Coinbase customer who should have received a 1099-K but didn’t, there are a few possible explanations: 1) you didn’t meet the criteria; 2) you requested not to receive one; or 3) Coinbase doesn’t have your correct mailing address on file. If none of these apply to you, reach out to Coinbase support for help troubleshooting the issue.

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