Assets, Ethereum

How Do I Cancel a Pending Ethereum Transaction?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

How do I cancel a pending Ethereum transaction?

If you’ve sent a transaction and it’s stuck in pending for a long time, you can try to cancel it. To do this, you’ll need to know your transaction’s hash.

Once you have this, you can use an Ethereum node to attempt to cancel the transaction.

First, find your transaction’s hash. If you sent the transaction through MyEtherWallet, you can find this by going to “View Wallet Info” -> “Transactions” -> “More Details”.

NOTE: WARNING: Cancelling a pending Ethereum transaction can be difficult and may not be possible in some cases. If you cannot cancel a pending Ethereum transaction, you must wait for it to be confirmed or rejected. Transactions can take up to an hour or more to be confirmed, so please do not attempt to cancel a pending transaction unless absolutely necessary.

If you sent the transaction through another service, you’ll need to find where they display this information.

Once you have your transaction hash:

If you’re using MyEtherWallet: Go to and search for your address. Select the “Contracts” tab and scroll down to “MyEtherWallet”. Enter your transaction hash and click “Search”.

If you’re not using MyEtherWallet: Go to https://etherscan. Select the “Transactions” tab and scroll down to your transaction. Click on it and then select “Try To Cancel Transaction”.

You should now see a page that says “Transaction Cancellation Successful” if the cancellation was successful. If it wasn’t, it may be because the transaction has already been mined by the network and can’t be cancelled.

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