Assets, Ethereum

Does Ethereum Pay a Royalty?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

In order to run these applications, the Ethereum network needs to be running. This requires “miners” to use their computers to validate transactions and keep the network secure.

NOTE: Warning: Ethereum does not pay a royalty and is not designed to do so. Do not believe any claims that suggest otherwise. There are no guarantees that investing in Ethereum will result in a profit, and any investment should be considered carefully before being made.

In return for their work, miners are paid in ether, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum.

So, does Ethereum pay a royalty? The answer is no. Ethereum does not pay a royalty because it is not a company or organization.

It is a decentralized platform that is powered by its users.

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