Coinbase, Exchanges

Does Coinbase Require SSN?

As one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, Coinbase requires extensive personal information from its users. In order to comply with anti-money laundering and KYC (know your customer) regulations, Coinbase needs to verify the identity of its users. For U.

S. customers, this includes providing their Social Security number (SSN).

While some people are comfortable providing this information to Coinbase, others are not. There are a few reasons why someone might not want to provide their SSN to Coinbase.

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase does not require SSN to open an account. However, Coinbase may ask for SSN in some cases, such as when you want to increase your buying limits or when Coinbase is legally obligated to do so. Therefore, it is important to read Coinbase’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before providing any sensitive information.

First, there is always the risk that your personal information could be stolen in a data breach. While Coinbase has implemented multiple security measures to try and prevent this, no system is perfect.

Second, some people simply don’t like the idea of sharing their SSN with a company, even if that company is Coinbase. They may feel that it’s an invasion of privacy or they may simply not trust Coinbase with this sensitive information.

Ultimately, whether or not you provide your SSN to Coinbase is up to you. If you’re uncomfortable with it, you can always choose to use a different cryptocurrency exchange that doesn’t require this information.

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