Coinbase, Exchanges

Does Coinbase Have Market Hours?

It’s no secret that cryptocurrency trading never sleeps. Global markets are open 24/7, and cryptocurrencies are traded around the clock. So, does this mean that Coinbase has market hours?

The simple answer is no. Coinbase does not have market hours because cryptocurrency trading never stops.

However, this doesn’t mean that Coinbase is available 24/7. There are still times when the Coinbase platform may be unavailable or down for maintenance.

NOTE: WARNING: Coinbase does not have market hours. As a result, trading on the platform can continue at any time and users should be aware that this may present a risk of market volatility and price movements. Furthermore, Coinbase does not guarantee the price of any asset, so users should always use caution when trading and monitor their positions closely.

While Coinbase may not have market hours, this doesn’t mean that trading activity on the platform always occurs at the same level. Just like traditional markets, there are certain times of day when trading activity is typically higher or lower.

For example, most cryptocurrencies see the majority of their trading volume during European and US market hours.

So, even though Coinbase doesn’t have market hours, there are still times of day when trading activity is typically higher or lower. Understanding these patterns can help you better time your trades and take advantage of opportunities in the market.

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