Coinbase, Exchanges

Can You Buy NEO on Coinbase?

NEO is not currently available to purchase on Coinbase. However, there are a few ways that you can still get your hands on some NEO.

One way is to purchase another cryptocurrency that is available on Coinbase, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, and then trade it for NEO on an exchange like Binance. Another way is to find a NEO wallet that supports Coinbase integration, such as the NEON wallet, and then use Coinbase to purchase the cryptocurrency directly from the wallet.

NOTE: WARNING: While Coinbase does support the purchase of NEO, it is not available in all regions. Please make sure that you are located in an accepted region before attempting to buy NEO on Coinbase. Additionally, Coinbase does not allow its users to withdraw or send NEO outside of their platform, so users should be aware that they will not be able to move NEO from the exchange after purchasing it.

Unfortunately, at this time there is no easy way to purchase NEO directly from Coinbase. However, there are still a few ways that you can get your hands on some NEO.

Hopefully in the future Coinbase will add support for NEO so that buying it will be as easy as buying any other cryptocurrency on their platform.

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