Coinbase, Exchanges

Can I Use Coinbase Without Verification?

As one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges out there, Coinbase allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. While it is a great platform for those looking to invest in cryptocurrencies, some users may be wondering if they can use Coinbase without verification.

The short answer is yes, you can use Coinbase without verification. However, there are certain limitations that come with not verifying your account.

NOTE: WARNING: Using Coinbase without verification is not recommended. If you choose to use Coinbase without verifying your identity, you may be subject to restrictions on the amount of money that can be transferred and the types of transactions that can take place. Additionally, Coinbase may limit or block access to certain features of their service and you may not be eligible for customer support.

For instance, unverified users have a daily limit of $2,000 worth of cryptocurrencies that they can buy or sell. In addition, unverified users will not be able to use certain features such as sending cryptocurrencies to other wallets or withdrawing fiat currency from their Coinbase account.

So if you’re looking to use Coinbase without verification, you can do so but there are some trade-offs that come with it.

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