Coinbase, Exchanges

Can Coinbase Steal From My Bank Account?

Coinbase is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges and allows you to buy and sell digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. You can also use Coinbase to store your cryptocurrency.

Coinbase is a custodial wallet, which means that they hold the private keys to your cryptocurrency. This might make you wonder – can Coinbase steal from my bank account?.

The answer is no. Coinbase cannot steal from your bank account because they do not have access to it.

NOTE: WARNING: There have been reports of fraudulent activities related to Coinbase. Be aware that Coinbase cannot steal from your bank account and it is not recommended to link your bank account to Coinbase. It is strongly recommended to only use a secure payment method, such as a credit card or debit card, when using Coinbase. Furthermore, do not give out any personal information or financial details when using the platform.

When you link your bank account to Coinbase, you are only giving them read-only access. This means that they can see your account balance and transaction history, but they cannot make any withdrawals.

In order to make a withdrawal from your bank account, Coinbase would need your permission. You would need to log in to your Coinbase account and initiate the withdrawal yourself.

Even if someone were to hack your Coinbase account, they would not be able to steal from your bank account because they would not have access to it.

So, in conclusion, no – Coinbase cannot steal from your bank account.

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