Assets, Ethereum

Are There Futures on Ethereum?

Yes, there are futures on Ethereum. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

These contracts are written in code that is stored on the Ethereum blockchain, and they can be used to facilitate the exchange of anything of value. This includes money, property, shares, or anything else of value.

Futures contracts are agreements to buy or sell an asset at a future date for a set price. They are often used by investors to hedge against the risk of price changes in the underlying asset.

Ethereum futures contracts were first launched on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) in December 2017. Since then, they have become increasingly popular with traders and investors looking to speculate on the price of ETH.

The most popular Ethereum futures contract is the ETH/USD contract, which allows traders to speculate on the price of ETH in US dollars. There are also ETH/BTC and ETH/EUR contracts available.

Ethereum futures contracts are settled in cash, meaning that no actual ETH is exchanged hands when the contract expires. Instead, the difference between the settlement price and the contract price is paid out in cash.

NOTE: WARNING: Trading Ethereum futures can be highly risky and speculative. Before investing, you should thoroughly understand the risks associated with such investments, including the risks associated with market volatility, liquidity risk and the risks associated with the underlying technology of Ethereum. You should also be aware that prices may be subject to manipulation. Investing in Ethereum futures is not suitable for all investors and you should always consider your own financial situation before making any decisions.

If you think the price of ETH will rise in the future, you can buy a “call” option. If you think the price will fall, you can buy a “put” option.

You can also sell options if you think the price will stay about the same.

Options give you the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset at a future date for a set price. They are often used by investors to hedge against downside risk.

Ethereum options were first launched on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in December 2017.

The most popular Ethereum option is the ETH/USD contract, which gives traders the right but not the obligation to buy or sell ETH for USD at a future date.

Options are settled in cash, meaning that no actual ETH is exchanged hands when the contract expires. Instead, the difference between the settlement price and the contract strike price is paid out in cash.

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